2023 Award Ceremony
Senior and Young Scholars Awards for Scholarly Excellence in Research of the Jewish Experience
Salo W. Baron famously described the Jewish experience as follows: “Suffering is part of the destiny” of the Jewish people “but so is repeated joy and ultimate redemption.” The Salo W. and Jeannette M. Baron Award for Scholarly Excellence in Research of the Jewish Experience will therefore recognize achievements of the highest excellence of researchers from all fields of study whose work focuses on the relationship of Jews and non-Jews and perceptions and understandings of Judaism in the wider societies in which they live, including but not limited to the history, culture, religion, and institutions of the Jewish people as well as their persecution.
- “I am greatly honoured by the decision of the board of the prestigious Baron Awards to confer the 2023 award to me. I am humbled by your decision and will do my best to live up to the standards set by Salo W. Baron.” - Emanuel Tov
Emanuel Tov, second laureate of the Salo W. and Jeannette M. Baron Senior Awards 2023
Wednesday, May 31, 2023
7.00 p.m. - 8.30 p.m. CEST (Vienna summer time)
online via ZOOM-Streaming
Click here to access the online event.
Participation is free of charge and will not require a previous registration.
Welcome Address
Salo Baron and the State of Israel
Mordechai Rodgold, MBA, Ambassador of Israel in Austria
Award Ceremony
Presentation of the Baron Awards to Prof. Emanuel Tov and the two winners of the Young Scholars Awards
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schütze, Rector of Vienna University
Mr. Charles Knapp, President of the Knapp Family Foundation
Prof. Lawrence H. Schiffman, New York University
Festive Lecture
The Many Faces of the Bible: The Pre-History of our Modern Bibles
Prof. Emanuel Tov, Hebrew University of Jerusalem